Chewy Chocolate Brownie Recipe

September 26, 2023
Chewy Fudge Chocolate Brownies

Chewy Fudge Chocolate Brownies

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Give in to the seductive pull of rich, chewy chocolate brownies that go beyond the realm of typical desserts. Imagine this, a harmonious blend of smooth chocolate, the cosy warmth of melted butter, and the ideal quantity of sweetness that melts in your tongue with every delicious bite. This is a voyage into the centre of chewy chocolatey joy, not just a recipe. As we explore the techniques for making the most decadent, oozy brownies that will completely enchant you and your taste buds, get ready to improve your baking skills.
Chewy Chocolate Brownie Recipe
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Ingredients You'll Need

3/4 Cup of Plain Flour - 100g
1 cup Granulated White Sugar - 200g
3 whole Eggs
1 stick Unsalted Butter - 113g
6oz Dark Chocolate - 170g
1/4 cup Dutch Process Cocoa Powder - 20g
1/2 tsp Sea Salt

Let's Get Started!

  • We’re going to keep this easy to make and bake. First you’ll need a large size glass mixing bowl and place it over a Saucepan with simmering hot water. Now place the Dark chocolate pieces into the mixing bowl along with the stick of Unsalted Butter and stir occasionally as it melts. Once that’s melted nicely take the bowl off the heat and wipe off any water and condensation underneath your bowl otherwise this can make the Chocolate seize.
  • Grab a Whisk and gently pour in the granulated White Sugar little by little while mixing it to melt the Sugar into the hot buttery Chocolate mixture. Smells tempting already doesn’t it?
  • Now let’s add in the Eggs. We’ll add in one Egg at a time while mixing it into the brownie batter. Be sure that each one is properly mixed before adding in the next Egg.
  • To give this more depth and flavour we’re going to now add in some normal Dutch Process Cocoa powder. This will increase the chocolatey taste once we finish and also give it that awesome dark colour that takes this recipe to the next level.
  • Let’s add in the Salt, feel free to adjust this accordingly to your own taste and preference. Around half a teaspoon works well in most cases and will help to really kick the flavour up a notch!
  • Now for the final ingredient, we’re going to fold in the Plain Flour little by little until it is clump free and mixed in properly. We have chosen this particular quantity of all purpose Flour to give it more of a chewy and fudgy taste. Be sure to mix in everything from the sides of your bowl to prevent getting any Flour pockets and avoid streaking in the batter. Try not to eat the Chocolate goo just yet, we still need to bake it!
  • For the final step you’ll need a baking tray with some oiled or buttered parchment baking paper inside. Pre-heat your Oven to around 350 degrees while we finish this last step. An 8 by 8 inch tray will work perfectly for this heavenly dessert. Go ahead and pour in the batter into the tray and spread it out until its evenly and level. We want to bake this in the Oven for around 35 minutes.
  • Once it’s finishing baking, take it out and place it somewhere to cool down properly. Once it’s cooled, lift it out of the baking tray and lift it gently off the parchment paper. Now it’s ready to slice and serve. Cutting this into 8 portions works well. Enjoy!

People Also Asked..

  • What Makes Brownies Cakey vs Fudgy?

    Many want to know what makes a brownie cakey vs fudgy and it really comes down to 2 main things, the amount of Flour and fat in your mixture. If you use more Flour in this recipe, say around 1 cup, that will make your brownie more cakey. If more fat is used, it will make it more fudgy and chewy. You can also bake it for 30 minutes instead of 35 to help make it a little more cakey.

  • What Does Adding An Extra Egg To The Brownie Mix Do?

    Adding an extra egg into the brownie mix will help make it more fudgy, chewy and also less cakey. If your Vegan, you can also what’s called “flax egg” as a plant based alternative to egg.

  • Is Butter Or Oil Better For My Brownie?

    Both will result in delicious brownies. They give a slightly different result in taste and texture that’s ultimately down to your preference. Using Butter gives it a richer flavour and slightly more firmer texture. Oil tends to produce brownies that are more moist and have a softer, sometimes slightly denser texture. Using oil can help them stay moist for a longer time compared to those made with Butter.

  • How Do I Tell If The Brownies Are Fudgy Or Undercooked?

    It might be a little tricky to distinguish between the two, but here’s some pointers on how you can tell. If they are undercooked they might look done but can have a raw batter like consistency and lack the proper texture. You can also look at the top to see if they have slightly crispy edges. That’s a good sign that they will be fudgy. If it still seems undercooked then give more extra time to bake or adjust the temperature and they’ll taste yummy when cooked properly!

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6 Servings
Amount Per Serving
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 19.9g
Saturated Fat 12.4g
Sodium 269mg
Total Carbohydrates 48.2g
Total Sugars 36.2g
Protein 4.5g
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily value may be different depending on your body.


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